Shopping List

Mt. Juneau Trading Post Art, art, more Native art! Drums, masks, jewelry.
Arxotica Soaps and oils and lotions and wonderful things from ingredients harvested right here in Alaska
Trickster Company offers so many unique formline pieces, from baby onesies to Star Wars art to basketballs and leggings, playing cards and hoodies.
The Cedar Box Carved beautiful Tlingit things, sea otter fur pillows, canned salmon, home goods.
NTVS: The Originals Artist Steven Paul Judd’s amazing tshirts, stickers, and so, so much Indigenous coolness.
Collective49 A great site with lots of great gifts from different Indigenous makers!
Eek Hit Tlingit Artists Custom woven cedar hats (and other custom Tlingit items!)
Honyoutink Very cool designs from Hopi artists.
Alaska Native Made Qaspeqs, Kuspuks, Atikłuks, Be’tsegh/Me’tsegh Hoolaanh. Purchase atikłuks/qaspeqs/be’tsegh hoolaanhs directly from Alaska Native artists all over Alaska.
Alaska Barter and Seller’s Page A Facebook group to barter, sell, trade or buy Alaska-made items.
Nomadic Stars An eco-friendly screen printing shop in Fairbanks run and owned by awesome Native folks, featuring beautiful designs on great quality clothes.
Bobby Itta Designs Bobby makes everything from gorgeous mukluks to edgy, beautiful earring, atikłuks and more.
Saltwater Sisters These Iñupiaq ladies make and teach how to make beautiful atikłuks, baby mukluks, and just about anything that is sewable.
Inupiaq Custom Mary Designs Mary often posts step by step instructions of her beautiful work.
Cloudberry Native Makes and sells beautiful qaspegs. Her online shop offers lots of pretty wood-cut earrings, snapback caps, signs and more.
Sew Sassy Qaspeqs sells sassy qaspegs!
Michelle Konig Michelle has a unique qaspeq style all her own.
Marjorie Tahbone is a prolific gatherer of our Indigenous ways of knowing. Most recently she’s offered a series of zoom classes to carve a qulliq (seal oil lamp.) Follow Kunaq to stay up to date on future offerings.
Fine Arts by Hanna Sholl is a prolific Sugpiaq artist with innovative styles in painting and jewelry, and a shop with clothing, stickers, online class offerings and more.
Apayuq Moore is a Yup’ik artist who paints vibrant scenes of our ways of life. Her shop includes original paintings, reproductions and sometimes clothing featuring her beautiful art.
Ricky Tagaban is an artist and drag show performer, who creates gorgeous Chilkat woven earrings: Lituya Art
Lily Hope offers both classes and her own Chilkat weaving for sale:
Boyaq John Chase (Yup’ik) is an ivory carver and has recently been sharing his process on TikTok: @killaqmfer
Bering Strait Arts and Crafts is a group specific to the Bering Strait region, highlighting some of the incredible artistry distinct to the region.
Athabascan Showcase The Athabascan (Na-Dine) peoples are renowned for their incredible beadwork and incorporating smoked moosehide into their regalia, jewelry, and much more.
Ahtna Elder Fred John creates beautiful jewelry that show his love for his people and culture.
Rose Albert of Ruby creates gorgeous paintings and jewelry.
Geri Simon is a Koyukon painter who often accepts commissions to paint our ways of life.
Sylvia Lange paintings often support important community causes, and have an incredibly unique style. The Blanket Fort Art Studio
Ryder Kivetoruk Erickson is an Iñupiaq artist that paints vibrant scenes of our ways of life. Ryder Erickson: Growing Up “Village” Fine Art
Melina Meyer is an innovative Lingít/Sugpiaq jewelry designer and @akmelina
Sealaska Heritage Store Awesome kid’s books (board and picture), as well as lots of language resources.
List of Books for Grown Ups by Indigenous authors
List of Books for Kids and Teens by Indigenous authors Biblio Commons/Indigenous Reads
Birchbark Books is a Native-owned bookstore that does online orders.
Raven Reads Books Get Indigenous literature shipped right to you in a subscription box! For grown ups or for kids.