Media Kit 2025

A Unique Voice,
A Unique Publication
In every issue we give our readers in-depth stories and information from the perspective of Alaska Native peoples. We write about issues like no one else can —through the worldview of the land’s original peoples.
From issues of self-governance, self-determination, education, industry, and leadership along with coverage of Alaska Native arts and culture happenings in the state, First Alaskans tells the story of what is happening, why, and how it matters—to all Alaskans.
of 25 and 64

76% were female
72% had children
46.5% were from Anchorage
35.5% lived in communities across the state outside of anchorage
18% of respondents were living outside Alaska
73.5% Alaska Native, from culture groups across the state.
26.5% non-Alaska Natives.
Purchasing power
66% own their own home
48% have a total household income greater than $70,000 per year
25% make more than $100,000 per year
74% bought Native art in last 12 months
84% take at least one trip per year
81% spend one or more nights in a hotel annually
60% have rented a car in the last 12 months
83% regularly attend statewide Native gatherings (like AFN, Celebration, etc.)
73% regularly shop online
31% travel in-person to large cities (like Anchorage, Juneau or Fairbanks) to shop
59% hold a technical, college, or graduate degree
28% had BAs
22% had graduate degrees
36% are currently in school (some of whom may be pursuing a second degree)
Cultural heritage
Of readers with an Alaska Native background:
5% Haida
5% Tsimshian
11% Alutiiq/Sugpiaq
11% Inupiaq
12% Aleut/Unangan
17% Tlingit
17% Athabascan
22% Yup’ik/Cu’pik
Regional affiliation
4% Chugach
6% Aleut Corp.
7% Ahtna, Inc.
12% Doyon, Ltd.
12% Koniag, Inc.
13% CIRI
14% BBNC
16% Calista Corp.
26% Sealaska Corp.
Editorial Calenda

Rates & Specs
*You can have multiple sponsored wrappers
Camera ready ads must be designed to exact size specs.
Ads must submitted as high quality PDFs, preferably PDF-X-1a:2001 produced from a professional design program such as InDesign or Quark Xpress.
Images should be 300 dpi.
No Word, PowerPoint, Publisher or jpgs will be accepted as camera ready.
Full page bleed:
live area:
7.75″ x 10.125″
page trim:
8.25″ x 10.625″
bleeds each edge:
+ 0.25″
Marketplace Tile:
- Background images should be no less than 1000px wide.
- Logos should be submitted as transparent .pngs no smaller than 300px wide.
- Text based company name
- Industry category tag
- URL where CTA will go
Premium Edition Advertising
Full Page Ad
Standard responsive ad

For over 50 years, we’ve been working together with Native communities and tribal businesses and we’ll continue to work together to make better tomorrows for generations to come.
Responsive ad with animation

For over 50 years, we’ve been working together with Native communities and tribal businesses and we’ll continue to work together to make better tomorrows for generations to come.
Responsive ad with video

For over 50 years, we’ve been working together with Native communities and tribal businesses and we’ll continue to work together to make better tomorrows for generations to come.
Sponsored Edition Wrapper
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